
Why Canadian Choices?
Our mix of many cultures offers Art work and products of the highest quality.  We are proud to be Canadian and offer gifts made in Canada. They are often unique one of a kind items found nowhere else in the world.

Is everything you sell made in Canada?
Not everything, though we certainly place an emphasis on Art work and other manufactured goods made in Canada and we add new items from Canada as we source them.

Can I get different shipping options by request?
Of course, give us a call or send an email and we will do our best to arrange shipping that meets your needs.  Special shipping arrangements are billed at actual cost.

What do you love about Canada?
Well, first off the Comedians and Actors we produce.  Though I admit most end of living South of the border to further their career.  Still, we seem to have an endless harvest of very funny, very talented people that make it big in the world of entertainment.

Then there are the wide open spaces in Canada.  The sheer vastness of the second largest country in the world can stagger the mind. 

Our cultural diversity.  Just look at some of our original Inuit Sculptures and you will see a part of Canada rarely noticed.  The Inuit live off the land, love the land and represent their spirutual connection to the land in their artworks. 

Oh yea, our proximity to the United States. We love our friends to the South, though we may be a little bitter about their warm climates at times.


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